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Zeitgeist Subsquid Indexer

The sdk gives direct access to the subsquid indexer that indexes our on chain data.


Some caveats when working with the indexer:

  • The indexed data might lag behind the actual chain data by 30sec up to 2minutes.
  • The Markets, Pool etc returned by the indexer directly doesnt have access to the methods like market.swapExactAmountOut or pool.join

Testnet Graphql Explorer

You can access the testnet Graphql explorer if you want to look at the indexed data and get more info on the indexed data types here:


Boot up the SDK in either FullContext or IndexedContext mode to be able to access the indexer sdk.

const sdk: Sdk<FullContext> = await create(batterystation());
const sdk: Sdk<IndexerContext> = await create(batterystationIndexer());

Lets fetch some markets, order them by when they are created and apply some filters.

import { MarketOrderByInput, MarketStatus } from "@zeitgeistpm/indexer";

const { markets } = await{
offset: 0,
limit: 10,
order: MarketOrderByInput.CreationDesc,
where: {
status_eq: MarketStatus.Active,
tags_containsAll: ["dev", "sports"],
OR: [
creator_eq: "some address",
creator_eq: "or this address",
к сведению

You can see that the filtering parameters mirror the graphql options subsquid provides and if you use typescript(recommended) you will get good editor feedback and type help.


Get latest indexed market data for a set of markets.


type MarketsQuery = {
markets: Array<{
id: string;
marketId: number;
description?: string | null;
creator: string;
creatorFee?: number | null;
creation: string;
oracle: string;
question?: string | null;
slug?: string | null;
img?: string | null;
tags?: Array<string | null> | null;
status: MarketStatus;
scoringRule: string;
resolvedOutcome?: string | null;
scalarType?: string | null;
outcomeAssets: Array<string | null>;
rejectReason?: string | null;
disputeMechanism: string;
marketType: {
categorical?: string | null;
scalar?: Array<string | null> | null;
period: {
block?: Array<any | null> | null;
timestamp?: Array<any | null> | null;
end: any;
start: any;
report?: {
at?: number | null;
by?: string | null;
outcome: {
categorical?: number | null;
scalar?: any | null;
} | null;
categories?: Array<{
ticker?: string | null;
name?: string | null;
color?: string | null;
} | null> | null;
deadlines?: {
disputeDuration: any;
gracePeriod: any;
oracleDuration: any;
} | null;
bonds?: {
creation?: {
isSettled: boolean;
value: any;
who: string;
} | null;
oracle?: {
isSettled: boolean;
value: any;
who: string;
} | null;
} | null;
pool?: {
accountId?: string | null;
baseAsset: string;
createdAt: any;
id: string;
marketId: number;
poolId: number;
poolStatus: string;
scoringRule: string;
swapFee: string;
totalSubsidy: string;
totalWeight: string;
volume: any;
ztgQty: any;
weights: Array<{
assetId: string;
len: any;
} | null>;
} | null;


Get latest indexed market data for a set of liquidity pools.


type PoolsQuery = {
pools: Array<{
accountId?: string | null;
baseAsset: string;
createdAt: any;
id: string;
marketId: number;
poolId: number;
poolStatus: string;
scoringRule: string;
swapFee: string;
totalSubsidy: string;
totalWeight: string;
volume: any;
ztgQty: any;
weights: Array<{ assetId: string; len: any } | null>;



type AccountBalancesQuery = {
accountBalances: Array<{
assetId: string;
balance: any;
id: string;
account: {
accountId: string;
id: string;
marketId?: number | null;
poolId?: number | null;



type AssetsQuery = {
assets: Array<{
id: string;
assetId: string;
poolId?: number | null;
price?: number | null;
amountInPool?: any | null;



type HistoricalAccountBalancesQuery = {
historicalAccountBalances: Array<{
accountId: string;
assetId: string;
balance: any;
blockNumber: number;
dBalance: any;
event: string;
id: string;
timestamp: any;



type HistoricalAssetsQuery = {
historicalAssets: Array<{
accountId?: string | null;
assetId: string;
blockNumber: number;
dAmountInPool?: any | null;
dPrice?: number | null;
event: string;
id: string;
newAmountInPool?: any | null;
newPrice?: number | null;
timestamp: any;
ztgTraded?: any | null;



type MarketStatusCountQuery = {
markets: Array<{ id: string }>;



type HistoricalMarketsQuery = {
historicalMarkets: Array<{
blockNumber: number;
event: string;
id: string;
marketId: number;
poolId?: number | null;
resolvedOutcome?: string | null;
status: MarketStatus;
timestamp: any;



type HistoricalPoolsQuery = {
historicalPools: Array<{
blockNumber: number;
dVolume?: any | null;
event: string;
id: string;
poolId: number;
poolStatus: string;
timestamp: any;
volume?: any | null;
ztgQty?: any | null;



type SquidStatusQuery = {
squidStatus?: { height?: number | null } | null;



type StatsQuery = {
stats: Array<{ totalLiquidity: any; totalVolume: any }>;